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작성일 : 05-01-10 00:00
vial에 대한 FAQ입니다.
 글쓴이 : 박진성
조회 : 3,164  
혹시 도움이 될까해서... TV나 스피커 가까이 두지 말라는 거 눈에 띄네요^^ Q: What is in the testing vials? A: Each Ergopathic Resources testing vial contains pure water pure ethyl alcohol as a non-toxic preservative and a unique energetic signal that corresponds to the information on the vial label. Q: What do you do with testing vials? A: Testing vials are used to collect valuable health-related information quickly and in an extremely non-invasive manner. They are used to support an array of healing and therapy systems that employ muscle testing electrodermal resistivity heart-rate variability or any similar technique that can reveal the body’s basic energetic responses to subtle contact or proximity type of stimuli. Q: How do testing vials work? A: The testing vial is used as a surrogate stimulus to represent the real thing that is printed on the vial label. The body does not recognize the difference between the real thing and the surrogate and responds as though the real thing was present. If the body recognizes the stimulus signal as the presence of something with which in some way it has a negative relationship then the body will respond in a variety of measurable ways: muscle weakness increased electrodermal resistivity and increased heart-rate variability to name a few. The patient’s expressed response thereby quickly provides valuable information to the practitioner that may be otherwise difficult expensive time-consuming or even impossible to obtain. Q: How is testing-vial information used? A: Testing vial response information can be used in a great variety of ways. Among the simplest uses is food-testing for allergies. Foods that are indicated by a weak muscle-test response can simply be avoided. There are of course many powerful advanced testing techniques employed in a host of therapies that address everything from curing food and environmental allergies asthma and eczema to arthritis fibromyalgia hormone disorders osteoporosis PMS many other immune disfunctions and even emotional and behavioral disfunctions like depression and ADHD. New applications are continually surfacing. Q: Can testing vial contents be consumed? A: Testing Vials are not intended for consumption and we even discourage opening the vials as the contents are likely to leak or evaporate even if the cap is firmly replaced. If accidentally consumed physical contents are about as harmful as a small sip of the melted icewater at the end of a martini but then the vial cannot be reused. If used properly testing vials can be used over and over indefinitely. Q: Why use testing vials rather than the ""real stuff""? A: In some cases the real stuff tests just as well as testing vials. Such is the case with many foods. But perishable materials are not practical to store and unlike foods testing vials are physically uniform helping to standardize testing and improve results. Moreover there are many circumstances where the real stuff is impractical or down right dangerous such as toxic chemicals radiations or infective agents. And real stuff does not lend itself easily to homeopathic compounding e.g. 30X 100C etc. a requirement in many healing techniques that use vials. Q: Who uses testing vials? A: Testing vials are easy to use and anyone can use them. However they are much more effectively used in a professional healthcare practice as a complement to conventional therapies. Many thousands of healthcare practitioners around the world use testing vials–and many more will once introduced to this elegant technology and the means to employ it in their healing practice. Many professional chiropractors acupuncturists naturopathic doctors nurses psychotherapists nutritionists and physicians and their assistants use testing vials and the ranks are growing daily. Q: How stable is the signal in the vials? A: The signal in the testing vial will remain stable indefinitely as long as a few simple precautions are observed. Testing vials are elegant albeit delicate instruments. Treat them as you would electromagnetic data storage media such as floppy disks magnetic tape or flash media–avoid strong magnetic or radiation exposure overheating freezing high moisture or direct sunlight. Don’t store them next to your TV set or unshielded stereo speakers. Q: Does a patient's ""vibrations"" contaminate a vial when they hold it? A: Most patients have very little influence on the integrity and longevity of testing vials by handling them. As a general precaution and to maximize vial integrity and longevity we recommend minimal direct handling of vials and then by the practitioner only. Use a ""honeycomb"" device to hold vials during testing and therapy. The patient need never touch a vial and need only hold a signal conductor or ""handmass"" that is connected to the honeycomb. Q: Are there special restrictions or precautions for shipping or traveling with testing vials? A: There are no extraordinary precautions for traveling with testing vials. Many practitioners have traveled extensively with their testing vials and have reported no noticeable vial degradation resulting from repeated exposures to airport security devices. Whether traveling by air on land or sea keep testing vials well insulated from the elements in luggage or a brief case. Q: What is your return policy? A: The general policy at Ergopathic Resources is that sales are final. However we stand behind the integrity of our vials 100 percent. We will promptly replace any Ergopathics testing vial that may be in question.


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