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작성일 : 05-08-11 00:00
항노화에 대한 윤승일선생의 세미나 8월 21일
 글쓴이 : 이승원
조회 : 4,563  
목차를 보시면 아시겠지만 임상에 꼭 필요한 좋은 내용입니다. 많은 참석바랍니다. 시간: 2005년 8월 21일 일요일 오전9시부터 오후 5시까지 장소: 서울교육문화회관 본관 가야금홀 Longevity vitality and anti-aging medicine Presented by 윤승일 OMDDCDACNBDIBAK Aging theory Free radical theory Nutrients antioxidants Lipoic acid Mitochondria Inflammation and CRP Growth hormone and insulin growth factor 1 Growth hormone and cortisol Growth hormone and bone Theory of caloric restriction Dysfunction of organ systems in the aging process Carnitine Vinpocetine Obesity-life expectancy decline Insulin resistance *Diaphragm exercise/spirometer Five principles of Longevity vitality and youthfulness 1. optimizing Digestive Health enhancing digestion absorption and assimilation for optimal health enhancing Bowel Flora and Dysbiosis Management 2. optimizing Endocrine Health Stress Management and the HPA axis Blood Sugar Management Female and Male Sex Hormone Balance Throid Management 3. cardiovascular support *pre-post cordial tap encouraging healthy circulation and cardiovascular health hypertension management antioxidant therapy 4 Cognitive Enhancement herbal therapy to support optimal brain function and preventation for Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia 5 Food as Medicine: Kitchen herbs for wellbeing


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