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작성일 : 04-02-09 00:00
AK 2차 세션 5 강의 내용
 글쓴이 : 신승호
조회 : 6,182  
만성 스트레스가 있으면 hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis가 심화되어 ACTH를 상승시킨다. 초기 스트레스를 받는 상태(fight or flight)에서는 cortisol과 DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone)가 일시적으로 올라가게 된다. 만성화된 스트레스에서 인체는 일련의 적응단계를 갖게 되는데 ""General Adaptation Syndrome""이라고 수년 전에 Hans Selye는 명명했다. 초기 alarm reaction과 중기 resistance시기를 거쳐 마지막 단계에 이르면 adrenal failure상태로 가게 되어 아드레날이 완전히 고갈상태에 이른다. 여러가지 단계의 resistance 상태와 만성적으로 스트레스 받은 환자들이 어떻게 아드레날 고갈상태에 이르는지를 이해하고 제대로 치료하는 것이 최적의 환자치료를 위해 필요하다. 근육 검사-무릎과 관련된 근육들 Quadriceps Sartorius Gracilis (2 test versions – traditional prone test; Beardall supine test) Adductors Adductors longus brevis magnus Pectineus Popliteus Gastrocnemius (2 test versions – flexed 60o ; hyperflexed) Hamstrings (discussed in Session 2) *Common knee syndromes *Patellofemoral syndrome *Iliotibial band friction syndrome Adrenal Stress Syndrome / Disorder 무릎 질환과 상관관계 Introduction to Centering the Spine concepts Ligament Stretch Adrenal Stress Syndrome / Disorder Emotional Recall Technique and Quick Fix-다양한 심리적 치료의 접근치료 Psychological Reversal-심리적 역전 치료(Dr.Roger Callahan) Heart Focused Procedures for stress reduction-스트레스와 관련된 심장에 초점을 맞추는 심리적 AK 치료법 Laboratory assessments for adrenal hormones-타액검사를 통한 스트레스 레벨을 측정하고 치료한다. PRYT-Pitch Roll Yaw Tilt 테크닉 "",,,0,0,,1471,,,,,윤승일,,,2004-02-07,,
41,-41,,41,,,,,,[요약] Goodheart's Pearls Of Wisdom - AK 저널 Issue 1.,"GEORGE GOODHEART'S PEARLS OF WISDOM Vit B. Thiamine ""I have this skin trouble. It breaks out all over. It starts out with this one little patch."" / ""I haven't changed my diet any. It iches."" / ""I was in the car and I get sleepy. then when I go to bed I have this trouble falling asleep."" seborrheic dermatitis + sleepiness => Vit B deficiency Usually PMC의 weakness / low breath holding time(34-35 seconds) / low temperature (98.2) a little slow pulse rate(64-66 per minute) / pH of mouth is acid / pyruvic levels increased. Acid Calcium ""My skin hurts it hurts me in my muscles. I'm stiff in my knee one morning and the ankle the next."" / ""If I wrestle with my son my shoulder hurts me."" / ""My knee hurts me for 3 or 4 days then goes away. I have this thing with my hand which comes and then the ankle."" / ""I don't know Doc I must be getting old its just never the same its always some damn thing or other."" Usually this patient is alkaline. => acid(calamo) calcium bursitis calcifications lipping of vertebrae(spur?). Lymph Acid ""I have this pain in my thumb. I've got this pain in my elbow I have writer's cramp. My arm hurts me."" / ""When I put it up it feels a little better. I have tennis elbow. I have tenosynovitis."" / ""My arm hurts me I can't put my arm on the desk because it hurts. this bone right here hurts(points to porximal radial)."" / ""I can't turn a door knob I had to stop playing golf and tennis. I have this pain that comes and goes deep down in the bone."" Usually These patients have weak adductors on the same side or TL for NL. => NL stimulation HCL * Lymphatic drainage is enhanced much better when the patient is acid. Lymph is acid and flows better in acid media. Enzymes ""Not only do I get sleepy but I fall asleep when I'm driving home. I'm sleeping at my desk. I can't stay awake. I was walking down the steps the other day and my knee gave way on me. I'm still sleepy and nervous."" This patient has a blocked drainage to the SI. / Weak quadriceps. / TL NL / narcolepsy => NL enzymes(Zypan Protodyn En-zyme) Weight If patient can't gain weight check need for Lactic Acid Yeast. Yawning Vit B. Acne Thymus and thyroid problem(endocrine problems) weak Scalene => if challenge B6 strong scalene. / just use B6 cream locally. Allergy to foods especially a food they like. Zinc.


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