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작성일 : 14-06-03 12:41
Phil Maffetone Flyer
 글쓴이 : 운영자
조회 : 6,050  
   Phil Maffetone Flyer.pdf (114.9K) [39] DATE : 2014-06-03 12:41:25
Dear Collegue,

I hereby would like your help in the organisation of Phil Maffetone who will be teaching for us in Antwerp during the last weekend of September.

Enclosed is a pdf-brochure with all the information of this seminar.
It would be a great help for me if you could forward this to your AK collegues / students / members.

All AK-diplomates will be able to come for 150 euro's. Please register ASAP for this.

Friday evening is optional, but I would advice everyone to follow this as well.

If you would like some leaflets to be send to you, please let me know and I will be pleased to post any amount you need.
Regret not being able to come to the big event in Washington.

Topics Friday evening: 6-9 pm. (optional)
Manual Biofeedback
For those who have not been in touch with Manual Muscle Testing, Dr. Maffetone will teach the concepts of MMT as a holistic approach rather than a technique, then give  a few tools you can use immediately. Practice and learn muscle tests, the feeling of normally inhibited and facilitated muscles.  
Manual biofeedback is used to remediate neuromuscular imbalance ranging from minor dysfunction to advanced neurological damage. Diagnosis and treatment are based on EEG and EMG type biofeedback, but instead of using equipment, responses are gauged with muscle testing. The protocol is simple and easy to learn, and can be integrated into health care professions of all types.
During this evening you will learn to treat:
• common muscle weakness, most often encountered in an AK practice.
• muscles with zero or minimal contraction, resulting from brain or spinal cord injury (i.e. stroke, cerebral palsy, trauma, etc.)
• muscles with “normal” function in order to improve power - an indispensable tool for athletes, geriatric, disuse, and disabled patients.
“Manual Biofeedback is the most important new technique in 20 years! It’s useful for both pathological and functional problems, …  it usually requires just one treatment.  
Most importantly, it is surprisingly simple”.
Walter Schmitt, DC, DIBAK, DABCN

Topics Saturday + Sunday:

Approach to patient care
·         Assessment
·         Treatment
·         Lifestyle

Body fat vs. body weight

·         Burning body fat
·         Losing weight

The aerobic system
·         Long term energy
·         Fat burning
·         Mechanical/joint stability
·         Health promotion

The anaerobic system

·         Short term energy
·         Sugar burning
·         Injury-related
·         Strength/power

Common M.M.T. findings
·         Neurological hierarchy
·         Cranial-nerve related muscles
·         Biofeedback

The feet

·         Sports shoes
·         Barefoot therapy

Dietary factors

·         Carbohydrate, protein, fat
·         Inflammation
·         Immunity
·         Dietary supplements

The brain’s role in exercise and sports

·         Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis
·         Brain nutrients
·         Brain waves
Traumatic brain injury

·         Whiplash syndrome
·         Acute and chronic concussion

The over-training syndrome
·         Patterns of stress, burn-out and nervous breakdown

Exercise-related illness and death

·         Athletes: fit but unhealthy

The clinical coach
·         Exercise programs
·         Athletic training and competition

Friday: 18 - 21h.     Saturday: 9 – 17.30h.     Sunday: 9 – 16h.
  • ALM-conference centre Antwerp - Filip Williotstraat, 2600 Berchem www.almantwerpen.be
  • Berchem train station: shuttle to ALM.
  • Antwerp or Brussels airport close by.
Seminar costs:
·         € 475,- Base price
·         € 425,- Applied before July 2014
Mention your name, address, occupation + tel.


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