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작성일 : 14-06-27 13:11
 글쓴이 : 운영자
조회 : 11,515  
Dear IC members,

If your chapter has candidates for the Diplomate examinations in any upcoming venue, please let me and Harlan Browning know as soon as possible so that we can plan.

We plan to give exams in Seoul in June 2015  We anticipate a large number of candidates in Seoul. Due to expenses of professional translators and multiple rooms for practical exams, we need to know accurate numbers very soon as well.  We would much appreciate candidate papers being submitted 6 months in advance, rather than the usual 3. Have your candidates make their initial contacts to Dr. Browning as soon as possible even if they do not have all documentation together yet.

Dresden  in Sept. 2015 is a slight possibility, pending interested candidates and availability of proctors. We need to know extremely soon.

Canada is a possibility in May 2015. Again, early warning would be much appreciated.

Chicago in July 2015 is highly probable.

It was great seeing everyone.

See you in Seoul!



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