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작성일 : 14-12-19 10:31
Updated requirements for Diplomate papers
 글쓴이 : 운영자
조회 : 18,404  
   Paper review form 12_2014.doc (31.5K) [60] DATE : 2014-12-19 10:31:07
   Concise Manuscript Requirements 12_2014.doc (42.0K) [36] DATE : 2014-12-19 10:31:07
Dear IC,

The IBE has recently updated the requirements for Diplomate papers. (attached). Please alert your chapter’s publications committee or whomever certifies Diplomate papers for submission.  Please note that we now need papers to be submitted to IBE 90 days before the examination, to ensure that they meet criteria and that the candidate’s score does not suffer unnecessarily due to defending a paper needing improvement.

I am attaching the review form each chapter is requested to complete in certifying each paper as well as the updated Concise Manuscript Requirements.  

If a paper arrives to IBE that does not meet the guidelines, it will be returned and both the candidate and the certifying chapter will be given feedback on what needs improving.

We sincerely hope that this process will lead to much improved papers for our organization.




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