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작성일 : 10-04-28 00:00
기능신경학 강좌 -2번째강좌 (모듈 802) 5월2일 일요일 SETEC 컨벤션홀
 글쓴이 : 운영자
조회 : 16,743  
기능신경학강좌 모듈802 안내
5월2일 일요일 대치동 SETEC 1층 컨벤션홀

기능신경학 세미나 2번째 강좌(모듈 802)가 5월 2일 대치동 SETEC컨벤션홀에서 진행됩니다.

현재 동영상강좌 사이트가 다소 미흡한 점이 있으나 점차 개선해 나가고 있으며 앞으로는 오프라인 강좌도 끝난 후 다시 복습하실 수 있도록 온라인상에 올릴 예정이니 많은 관심과 이해 부탁드립니다.
강의시작시간은 9시 부터입니다.

Neuromuscular Application

Heteroarchial system

감각수용체의 종류
      ․Afferents의 diameter에 따른 분류
      ․Propagated vs Graded
      ․ Receptor의 역할과 목적
      ․신경계의 기능과 목적
      ․ Vision Auditory Taste Smell Balance
      ․ Constant vs Non-Constant

Gain and Sensitivity
60% pathway
Closed loop
Fixed joint position and movement
Muscle Physiology
MSC(Muscle Spindle Cell) and GTO(Golgi Tendon Organ)
Video Case 2
Workshop Reset gain

Scenarios of Decreased Frequencies of Firing
      ․ TND(Transneural degeneration) concept-Electorchemical potential(Na+ K+        ․Cl-) Action potential Membrane permeability Fatiguability
      ․ Cell Mitochondria energy ATP and Ca++
      ․ Gene __EXPRESSION__ cIEG response concept
      ․ CIS(Central Integrative State) concept
      ․ Inhibiion circuit patterns
      ․ Diaschisis Wind-up
      ․Evolutionary concept

DRG(Dorsal root ganglion)
      ․ Embryological perspective and review
      ․ Homologuus column(eg. 3 cases) neuron and glial cell Oligodendrocytes Astrocytes Migration Synaptogenesis(Neuroplasticity) Donald Hebb

Receptor for survivability
      ․ Receptor potential-Graded
      ․ Action potential-Propagated
      ․ Tonic vs Phasic
      ․ Temporal vs Spatial summation
      ․ Constant vs Non-constant

Types of receptors
      ․-Meissner Merkel Paccinian Ruffini Visual Auditory Vestibular Gustatory Olfactory...

Axon conduction velocity classification
Pathways of Afferents
      ․ JMC(joint mechanoceptor) Phasic
      ․MSC(Muscle spindle Cell)-Tonic-Muscle physiology Sensivity and Gain Action and Myosion Interdigitation GTO(Golgi tendon organ)
      ․ Reset gain concept(Ia Ib Afferentation)

Segmental control
      ․Monosynaptic vs Polysynaptic
      ․Reflexes(FRA Withdrawal Knee-jerk)
      ․ Inhibitory interneuron(Ia Ib)
      ․Renshaw cell

Suprasegmental control
      ․Descending cortical projections and influences on MSC
      ․Motor weakness pattern associated with Cortical Hemisphericity
      ․Soft pyramidal weakness

      ․Cerebral Peduncle
      ․Substantia nigra tegmentum
      ․Red nucleus
      ․Medial Lemniscus Lateral Lemniscus
      ․ Inferior Colliculus Superior Colliculus
      ․Vestibular nucleus
      ․Reticular formation
      ․Clinical application

The Pupils
      ․Pupil constrictor vs dilator
      ․ Pupillary light reflex vs Near reflex

Anatomy and Physiology of Sympathetic system
      ․Iris dilator muscle
      ․ Sympathetic pathway to eye from T1
      ․ Pupil response and accomdation DDx

Application and Demonstration
      ․Reset gain
      ․Blind spot
      ․Pupil response
      ․VA ratio
일 시   2010년 5월 2일(일요일) 오전9시 ~ 오후6시
신 청   www.carrickinstitute에서 신청 / 당일신청가능
장 소   대치동 SETEC 1층 컨벤션홀
비 용   현장등록 $385 (VISA혹은 MASTER카드 중 가능)
문 의   02-552-5661로 연락바랍니다


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